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The importance of protein in our bodies

Are you eating enough proteins each day? Protein is an essential macronutrient whose building blocks are amino acids. They are essential for bodybuilding and repair. Since our bodies do not store protein, we should endeavor to eat enough of the macronutrient daily to keep our bodies healthy and in shape.

The Benefits of Eating Protein Sources

Protein packages vary with sources. Including protein sources in your diet routine has the following benefits.

  1. Protein is an essential building block for all our body cells, muscles, bones, cartilage, skin, hair, nails, enzymes, and hormones, among other tissues.
  2. It builds new cells and tissues and repairs the old ones after injury.
  3. Red blood cells contain protein (hemoglobin) that transports oxygen and nutrients to the other body parts.
  4. The body uses almost half the protein we ingest daily to manufacture enzymes. The enzymes act as catalysts in digestion to make new cells and body chemicals.
  5. During puberty, protein is essential for hormone regulation, development, and regulation of cells.

Generally, consuming a high-protein diet helps you remain in shape by accelerating recuperation following injury/exercise, minimizing muscle loss and growth of lean muscles, maintaining a healthy weight, and suppressing the feeling of hunger and snack cravings during the day.

The Benefits of Eating Protein Whilst Losing Body Fat

Protein has a higher thermic effect of food (TEF) than carbohydrates or fats. Eating protein-rich foods significantly increase metabolism and surges the number of calories we burn throughout the day. High-protein diets help to burn body fats and maintain a healthy weight in the following ways.

  • Protein suppresses hunger hormones and boosts satiety hormones to prevent overeating calories, hence, can help in weight loss.
  • Along with exercise, protein helps in lean muscle building, which in return aids in burning more calories in a day.
  • High-protein consumption can help you acquire more muscle mass and curb muscle depreciation during weight loss.
  • Protein diets help in losing general body weight and belly fat.
  • Protein requires more energy to break down, thus, eating a protein-rich diet will help you use more calories during digestion.

Generally, high-protein consumption reduces hunger levels and enhances metabolism, an effective way to lose body fat and maintain a healthy weight.

The Importance of Eating Protein for Building Muscle

Protein is an essential component in muscle building. While the body can manufacture most amino acids, the essential amino acids (EAAs) must be supplied by the food we take. Strength training activities and protein intake stimulate the muscle protein synthesis (MPS) process. The amino acid, leucine, triggers muscle-building (anabolic) processes.

Do you wish to build a masculine physique? A high-protein intake will supply you with the building blocks for your muscle tissue growth, repair, and maintenance. After a strenuous workout, protein will aid in quick recovery since muscles may get slightly torn during workouts.

Experts recommend adequate protein consumption for muscle mass maintenance and the promotion of muscle growth during strength training. High-protein consumption also prevents the loss of muscles when losing weight. Spread your protein intake evenly throughout the day for optimum MPS.

Although both animal-based and plant-based protein sources contain the amino acid for the MPS process, their digestion and absorption rates differ. Eating different protein sources can ensure a constant amino acid supply in your system.

Are you a bodybuilder, weight lifter, or workout trainer desiring to grow your muscles? Eat enough protein to promote muscle growth, maintain muscle mass and strength, and facilitate quick recovery after injury/strenuous training.

The Amount of Protein Required to Eat Whilst Dieting for Fat Loss and for Muscle Gains


Are you trying to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? The right diet is crucial for you to achieve this body goal. In addition to other nutrients and strength training, eating protein-rich food will enhance muscle growth and fuel fat burning. But, how much protein is enough to achieve this objective?

A protein intake calculator can help you to compute your protein requirement based on your current level of body fat versus the fat loss and muscle gain goals. The calculator is founded on meta-analyses and empirical studies to find out different protein consumption effects on the body. It helps in determining how much protein your body requires for optimum muscle growth and fat loss.

Retaining your caloric consumption while strength training helps in gradual muscle gain and fat loss. You can boost this effect by eating protein quantities per your body’s needs daily. A science-based protein intake calculator will help you determine your daily protein requirement when you intend to lose body fat and gain muscle simultaneously.

The recommended protein intake for muscle gain per day is approximately 1.6-2.2 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight (0.7-1 g/pound of body weight). This range depends on your exact body goals. Lowering the total caloric intake per day could help to lose more fat. This strategy could work better if you scale up your total daily protein intake between 1.8-2.7 grams per kg of body weight. An alternative formula for computing your protein need is multiplying your typical body weight by 1.6g/kg. 

Use the calculator to adjust your daily protein intake based on your level of physical activity, fitness goals, and current body composition. Always remember that increasing your protein intake keeps you feeling full, maintains the body’s resting metabolism, and maintains/boosts muscle mass when you are on a diet.

Protein Needs for Obese and Lean Persons

Are you beginning your fat loss and muscle gain journey from obesity? Since your protein needs depend on your body’s lean mass, an overweight person requires fewer protein grams per body weight kilogram. The recommended protein intake per day for an overweight individual, whose focus is to shed fat, is 1.2-1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. 

Lean individuals with more muscle mass and a low-fat percentage should take more protein to curb muscle loss when losing fat. A protein target of 0.8-1.2 grams per pound of body weight is ideal for such individuals.